Everything changes whether we like it or not. John C. Maxwell said, "Change is inevitable. Growth is optional." Why not make the best of it?
Change is a fundamental part of life. Nothing truly stays the same, whether we like it or not. Many times, change is an unwanted, unexpected, and disruptive interruption. A sudden illness, job loss, or other situation can force changes on us. Other times, it may feel like something is missing and we find ourselves longing for change and a new beginning.
Most people resist change for fear of the unknown. It’s much more comforting to deal with the present and the reality we know than face an unforeseen future with possible downfalls, but there are people who thrive in change and discover a better life and a better sense of self as a direct result.
How many times has a close friend unexpectedly moved away? While this change brings sadness, it might also lead to new friendships or the chance to deepen existing relationships. You can choose to manage the change in a way that you can still remain close to your friend.
Change is Part of the Process
If you think about it, the entirety of life is expressed through change. From infancy to adulthood, our minds and bodies go through radical change in a relatively short time span. Every year, the Earth experiences seasonal changes shifting from spring into summer, through fall and into winter and beginning all over again. Whether we like it or not, our bodies and our environment are always changing. It’s part of the process of living.
Think of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. It's a radical change, but necessary for the creature to reach its full potential. Our lives are similar; change brings new and exciting possibilities for us.
Some People Fear Change
Humans are creatures of habit. The ability to predict provides a safety net that allows for cautious exploration without risking too much. No one wants to be blindsided by an unexpected change, but change is inevitable one way or another.
A radical or unexpected change can cause trauma that triggers resistance anytime there’s a threat to security or the status quo. It makes sense that going through a rough change can leave residual pain and fear that pops up every time change is on the horizon, but in many cases change can be a powerful and useful thing.
Someone who lost their job during a recession might be terrified of any career shift, fearing it will lead to another financial hardship. But this situation also presents an opportunity for the person to pivot their career in a positive way.
Embracing Change Creates Confidence
Whether choosing change or reacting to it, embracing change as part of life builds confidence. The tools it takes to manage change boosts self-esteem and resilience. Learning to accept change and grow with it creates emotional maturity and enhances problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt under pressure.
A person who chooses to move to a new city on their own might feel initial loneliness but ultimately gains independence and the confidence that comes from stepping outside their comfort zone.
Make Change Your Friend
You may not always like what’s changing, but you can make the best of any situation when you embrace the positive. Finding the good in a bad situation or taking a risk to achieve something new both lead to amazing things. Rather than resisting change, lean into it and see where it leads. It likely may be somewhere better than you ever imagined.
Someone dissatisfied with their job takes evening courses to build skills for a new career path. While challenging, these changes could lead to greater fulfillment and financial security.
Change might feel scary, but it's also where the magic happens. Instead of letting fear dictate your life, choose to be someone who welcomes change and the endless possibilities it offers. The next time change comes knocking, don't hide–open the door and see where the adventure takes you. You might be surprised at how strong and capable you truly are.
Change might feel scary, but it's also where the magic happens. Instead of letting fear dictate your life, choose to be someone who welcomes change and the endless possibilities it offers. The next time change comes knocking, don't hide – open the door and see where the adventure takes you. You might be surprised at how strong and capable you truly are.